Our milestones.

Sustainable food production

Agenda t30

Sustainable food production

We accept responsibility for the food of today and for the world of tomorrow. Our current food products help to maintain natural cycles, to protect the climate and natural resources, and to develop social cohesion. We are continuing to work on this, and we set ourselves ambitious goals: by 2030, we will be one of the most sustainable food producers in Europe. Our motivation is the sustainable production of food.

Sustainability strategy

Natural cycles and an undamaged environment are prerequisites for our food. For 50 years we have been producing high-quality food products in accordance with this belief so that millions of consumers can enjoy a healthy, tasty diet. At the start of 2020, we expanded our sustainability management programme with a defined 10-year strategy, Agenda t30. We are thus accelerating our efforts towards sustainable food production.

Tönnies has defined quantifiable goals for this. A selection of milestones is outlined below in relation to the defined goals.

End to use of soya from tropical forests

Our goal:

To completely stop using soya from South America.

Our milestone:

In 2023, 78% of protein feed already comes from sustainable sources. By the end of 2023, we will exclusively use sustainable protein feedstuffs for feeding the pigs in Germany and will no longer use soya from the rainforest and savannah regions of South America. We continue to work on solutions with our agricultural producers and leading feed manufacturers so that, in the future, feed will be even more sustainable.

Reduction of nitrates in manure

Our goal:

To reduce the nitrate content in liquid manure by 30% (vs. the level in 2005).

Our milestone:

In 2023, we were able to implement a reduction in nitrate content of 28% compared to 2005. This is helped by our TONISO feed concept. Here the farmers reduce the protein components in feed. This makes the manure “thinner”, and the nitrate content is reduced.

Increase of animal welfare standards

Our goal:

70% of supplied animals should come from extra-statutory forms of farming (2-4).

Our milestone:

In 2023 more than 70% of animals supplied to us already came from extra-statutory farming methods (2-4). WWe support innovations for the conversion and new construction of new husbandry concepts and are committed to marketing them accordingly. We will consistently continue along this path.

Reduction of petroleum-based plastics

Our goal:

To use 70% less petroleum-based plastic packaging in total packaging material for the Tönnies Group (vs. the level in 2017).

Our milestone

In 2023, we were using 21% less petroleum-based plastic packaging in our total packaging material for the Convenience Business Unit in comparison to 2017. With the introduction of the flow-pack packaging for most of the self-service range, further massive reduction steps can be taken.

CO2 savings in logistics

Our goal:

50% fewer CO2 emissions in the area of road transport (excl. containers) for our main sites (Rheda-Wiedenbrück, Sögel and Weißenfels) per tour (vs. the level in 2015).

Our milestone:

In 2023, we produced 34% fewer CO2 emissions in the area of road transport (excl. containers) for our main sites (Rheda- Wiedenbrück, Sögel and Weißenfels) per tour in comparison to 2015.

Protection of resources

Our goal:

90% of the energy mix at Tönnies production sites generated from renewable sources.

Our milestone:

In 2023, 64% of the energy mix in the Tönnies production facilities was sourced from renewable energies.


Our goal:

In the long term, to provide all interested employees with accommodation that complies with defined standards.

Our milestone:

In recent years, we have created residential places for all interested employees according to clearly defined standards. We are currently responsible for a good 4,500 places. The Tönnies Group has invested a high double-digit million euro amount in this.

We enter into sustainability dialogue with our stakeholders

Tönnies has always represented its position on various sustainability issues such as animal welfare, working conditions or resource consumption in public and has engaged in critical dialogue. In doing so, we have always taken responsibility for our actions. That is why values such as reliability, fairness, respect and openness are firmly anchored in our strategy.

Our handshake is valid and binding. The Tönnies handshake mentality is recognised by customers, employees and partners and is a great sign of trust. That is why we always honour our commitments.

As a family business, we think in terms of generations. Our actions and behaviour are fair and binding. What counts for us is not short-term profit, but medium and long-term, economically successful development based on fairness towards customers, employees and partners. Our actions are characterised by transparent, comprehensible and honest dealings.

People from many nations around the world work in our company. Customers and business partners are also spread across the globe. Respect is our benchmark and standard in our dealings with one another. Neither position, nationality, language, religion nor gender orientation play a role here. Rather, our maxim is respectful co-operation at eye level. Also when dealing with animals and the environment.

As part of our dialogue offerings, we not only report on our goals and successes, but also address the challenges and obstacles – openly, respectfully and fairly.

Ask us!

Dialogue is important to us. So we would like to listen to your questions and confront the issues that concern you. Write to us and our experts will answer your questions here. If the content of the questions is the same, we group the answers together.
We are also happy to show you at our sites what we do and how we do business. Every year we guide several thousand visitors through our sites. If you are interested in a visit, please contact us directly using the form.

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    Dr. Gereon Schulze Althoff

    Head of Sustainability, Director of Quality Management and Veterinary Services

    Dr. Wilhelm Jaeger

    Director of Agriculture Department

    Jörg Altemeier

    Director of Animal Protection Unit

    Susanne Lewecke

    Director of Environment and Energy Management

    Sven Geier

    Director HR